The future of Customer Service (overseas call centers need not apply)



Small businesses aren’t blessed with extensive resources and expansive workforces, and areas such as customer service departments are regularly neglected. However, most small businesses don’t realise they have a fully-fledged customer service department at their fingertips, a resource they’ve failed to utilise simply because of the unconventional way it presents itself. Today, we let you into the secret of social media customer service, and why you should be using your Facebook and Instagram accounts for more than social media marketing and lead generation. Speedy Response Times Easily the greatest frustrations most customers will identify with customer service departments is speed; how long it takes to receive a response from their initial complaint. Emails and phone calls are becoming notoriously slow methods of communication; however, with social media applications on most smartphones, business owners can reach out to their customers quickly. Through messenger, direct messages and comment/tweets, it has never been faster to solve customer service issues online. Allows You To Address Major Concerns On A Mass Scale The greatest asset of social media marketing is its reach, and how easy it is to project a clear, timely message with a minimal amount of effort. When a brand is experiencing common complaints, whether it be about shipping or faulty products, it’s easy to clarify the concern by using social media posts, videos and stories. With these public service announcements, you can respond to hundreds if not thousands of customer service concerns in a matter of seconds. What you communicate with your audience doesn’t have to address a specific complaint, or an issue already raised. The value of this style of communication is that you can pre-emptively address commonly asked questions, using them as talking points for longer posts, stories, and even full YouTube videos. Save Money On Start-Up Costs The value of social media for businesses has been the cost-effective nature of these platforms; with almost every network free to start up, creating a customer service department through social media won’t break the budget. Compare this to the traditional customer service departments that require staff, technology and dedicated office space; this choice is a no brainer. Additionally, most business owners, using these platforms, have a grasp of social media advertising, and how to perform basic tasks like posting and responding to comments. Therefore, utilising social media in this way doesn’t require additional training or knowledge of complicated CRMs or digital marketing platforms. What Customers Want If you are still unconvinced that using your social media accounts as a customer service department is a good idea, it’s time to start listening to your customer. More and more customers are reaching businesses through social media, as they know they are likely to receive quicker responses through public attention to their issue. With more businesses switching to this method, you are likely to be left behind while alienating your customer base. Are you using your social media marketing effectively, to its full capacity? As one of Melbourne’s social media marketing leaders, we can transform your online success and show you the potentials of your marketing efforts.

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