If you answer yes to any of these questions, your website sucks

Social and Digital Media Marketing


Although the cost of website design has dropped, investing in a new one is not a decision to take lightly. In the age of social and digital media marketing, a business' website is a strategic brand touchpoint. Here, we pose 6 questions for you to ponder on if you're considering a website makeover. 1. Does it take just a few seconds for your website to load? If it takes longer than a few seconds, a website makeover is due. The digitally connected consumer is impatient. 1 in 2 websites is abandoned if it takes more than 3 seconds to load (1). 2. Is your website mobile friendly? Nearly half of all global web traffic comes via mobile devices (2). It's almost impossible to find anyone who isn't on their mobile devices while commuting on a train or bus, walking the dog or waiting for their favourite cuppa. And you need to reach them. 3. Do you have a bounce rate below 60%-70%? A high bounce rate eliminates any opportunity you have to communicate your brand and business online. If your bounce rate is above 60%-70%, you'll need to relook at your website design. 4. Is your phone ringing or email enquiries streaming consistently? Today, a website is an important component of a business' sales and marketing effort. If it's not contributing to increased traffic and lead generation, a website makeover must be considered. A website is more than just creating your business' online presence. It has a part to play in triggering and closing deals. 5. Is your website reflecting your new brand identity? Don't leave it too late to ensure your website communicates your business' brand identity. After all, it is a strategic marketing communication tool. It's your storefront. Hence, it's essential for your website to communicate clearly, authoritatively and consistently what the brand stands for. 6. Can you be found easily in Google search? If your answer to this is "No!", you definitely need a website makeover. It's the ultimate question you need to reflect on. Unless Google 'likes' your website, you'll probably be lost in the thick cyber jungle. Ready for a website makeover? Book an appointment here. (1) https://www.hobo-web.co.uk/your-website-design-should-load-in-4-seconds (2) https://www.oberlo.com/statistics/mobile-internet-traffic

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