A Guide to Writing a Brand Story that isn’t totally Awful



Research by Microsoft showed consumers are exposed to about 600 brand messages daily. That was 3 years ago, it would have increased significantly since then. Put at risk in the battle for attention and market share is brands appearing faceless and emotionless entities - dehumanized! A winning brand is more than a list of features and benefits. To be relatable to people, it must portray a purpose, values and emotions. It is a story that connects with people where it matters most, hearts and minds. Early adopters of the brand story approach are beginning to see results. After all, storytelling has been an essential facet of day-to-day communications between people. The rise of social media marketing is a great boost to the use of brand storytelling. It has added versatility in the way brands can show and tell their purpose and values. In this article, we outline the steps to write your brand story. 1. What is the plot Every great story has a plot. The plot reveals the challenge, how it is overcome and what the end is. For example, NIKE's story ends with the everyday person working towards his or her sporting ambition; Alibaba.com tells a story of how the smallest of traders in China can be plugged into the global economy. What is the change your brand can make in people's lives? 2. What's your target audience's pain point A great story is a slice of people's lives, amplified. Whatever their challenge is, problem or opportunity, when a brand shows empathy, a connection is created. Hence, it is important your story vividly demonstrates this pain point. When this is followed by how your brand removes the pain, it elevates the connection to a much higher level. The success of budget airlines illustrates this well. Air Asia, Asia's most successful budget airline uses the tag-line "Now everybody can fly" when it started. It was an immediate hit as they made air travel accessible to more people. 3. What human values do you share with your target audience A brand with vision has values it lives by. Your brand's values must mirror your target audience's. Why? Values humanize a brand. It deepens and enriches the brand-consumer relationship. In addition, they become reasons for people to share your brand with others. A great story travels well, apart from being memorable. 4. Build content to communicate and substantiate your story Great content marketing isn't a random act of articles or videos. They are chapters of the story you have created. Every content shares the values of your brand. To this end, social media marketing is a game-changer in the effective application of brand storytelling. From Facebook to Instagram marketing, you can tell your brand story in various compelling formats. You are only limited by your imagination. Today, consumers live in a sea of sameness. You need to stand out to gain their attention. Connect with us to learn about the use of a brand story approach for your next social media campaign.

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