How to use social media to increase sales

Social Media Increase Sales


If you've been using social media to drive awareness and engagement, it's time to switch to a higher gear. When appropriately used, social media can be the perfect platform to increase sales. Given the amount of time people spend on social media, about 144 minutes (1), it's a missed opportunity not to use it for the latter. In this post, we suggest ways you can use it to increase sales. 1. Be where your target audience is It's the most fundamental step - be where your target audience is. You'll not only be visible but can ensure your message gets across. Just being online alone isn't good enough. With the multitude of social medial platforms today, it's important you know where your target audience frequently hangs out. 2. Avoid salesy content Once you know where they are, the next step isn't to put out content that reads "Buy me!". That can be a great turn off. People love to buy; not to be sold to. Instead, create content they will find useful and that establishes your authority. For example, you might put out content such as "7 ways to stay disciplined while on diet" if you are pitching an online fitness program. Keeping to a strict dietary regime is one of the major challenges people on a fitness program face. 3. A simple buying process It's interesting to note that not many brands and businesses make it easy for people to buy from them online. It sometimes is a convoluted process, which can result in them abandoning their shopping carts. To this end, shoppable posts have provided a great boost towards simplifying the sales process. 4. Using paid ads It's probably the most effective although it'll cost you some money. In addition, careful planning is needed to ensure your ROI achieves it's desired results. Stay close to best practices the different social media platforms provide. They are free! We shop differently from the way used to just a decade ago. Social media is a major driver of this change. Connect with us to discover how you can increase sales using social media. (1)

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