4 Ways to actually make money with your Facebook Ads


Facebook used to be a very simple, straightforward social media engagement platform. You get a page for your brand, you use effective social media management to help build your page's following, and those people would lay eyes one pretty much everything you'd post. Some time ago, however, their algorithms changed. Now it's a much more difficult game to get the kind of engagement that used to all but happen on its own. Despite this, Facebook is still a great advertising and digital marketing tool with a tremendous reach - you just have to know how to use it. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your Facebook ad buy.
Turbo boost!
Just a few dollars spent on Facebook can get your post in front of many thousands of eyes in a very direct and engaging way. Spending money boosting posts can bring you an excellent rate of cost per impression - and more if you know what you're doing.
Stay on target(ing)
When you "boost" a post, you have access to a very specific set of targeting demographics. You can target only your page's followers, anyone in a certain geographic area, age ranges, varying interests, and get an instant estimate of your likely potential engagement and CPI. By effectively aiming your advertising proton torpedo at the most interested possible audience, you'll waste less money showing your ad about your heavy metal band's upcoming concert to country music fans.
Take a picture - it'll last longer
Well, it may not last longer, but it will be more effective. Without imagery, be it a photo or graphics, your post won't get much traction. Having imagery is good, and having the most effective imagery is good business.
Every Facebook page now tells visitors how long it takes for the average comment or message to get a response. The better your response time/rate, the more effective your online marketing presence. If you're too busy to handle this side of things yourself, social media management is an investment worth making. Have a read of our best practice social media marketing tips!
These tips are just the beginning of a successful online strategy using Facebook's online marketing system. Get in touch with us on 1800 776 740 to find out how we can boost your brand's social status!

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